Saints for Teens: Role Models for Today's Youth
Updated: Mar 4

These four inspiring saints for teens, offering guidance and inspiration in their lives. Their stories and teachings provide valuable lessons on faith, courage, and compassion, making them ideal figures for teenagers to look up to. By learning from their examples, teenagers can find strength and guidance in their own journeys of faith and personal growth.

Saint Maria Goretti
Feast Day: July 6
Patronage: youth, young women, purity, and forgiveness
How to get to know her more:
1. Read about her life and martyrdom on and
2. Celebrate her feast day by attending a Mass in her honor or organizing a purity retreat for teens.
3. Learn about the virtue of chastity and the importance of forgiveness through her example.
4. Pray for her intercession for purity and strength in facing challenges.

Saint John Bosco
Feast Day: January 31
Patronage: students, apprentices, young people, and juvenile delinquents
How to get to know him more:
1. Explore the life and teachings of Saint John Bosco on and
2. Celebrate his feast day by organizing a youth event or participating in activities that promote education and mentorship.
3. Learn about his educational methods and incorporate them into your own studies and interactions with others.
4. Seek his intercession for guidance in making good choices and staying on the right path.

Saint Therese of Lisieux
Feast Day: October 1
Patronage: missions, florists, and the sick
How to get to know her more:
1. Read her autobiography, "Story of a Soul," to learn about her "Little Way" and her deep love for God.
2. Celebrate her feast day by visiting a local nursing home or hospital to bring joy and comfort to the sick.
3. Embrace her spirituality of doing small acts of love and kindness in your daily life.
4. Ask for her intercession for strength in times of suffering and for guidance in discerning your vocation.

Saint Maximilian Kolbe
Feast Day: August 14
Patronage: drug addicts, prisoners, families, and journalists
How to get to know him more:
1. Discover the heroic life of Saint Maximilian Kolbe, who sacrificed his life in Auschwitz to save a fellow prisoner, on and
2. Celebrate his feast day by organizing a service project or volunteering at a local shelter or prison ministry.
3. Learn about his dedication to spreading the Gospel through media and consider how you can use your talents to evangelize.
4. Pray for his intercession for courage and compassion in standing up for what is right.
Do you have any other go-to saints for teenagers? Who are they? Tell me about them in the comments.
